
Best Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Medical Practice

  • May 19, 2022

You can attract patients through online marketing. The world has moved online or on social media but that doesn’t mean you can’t attract people online. In the medical field, demonstrating the quality of your work is the best marketing strategy to grow your medical practice. If you are not a good doctor according to your patients you can’t grow. In this article, you will learn how to grow patients for your medical practice and what are some of the best strategies to attract them.

Common Sense Strategies to Grow Your Medical Practice

There are many marketing strategies that doctors can use to grow their practice.

  • Have a strong and reliable business plan
  • Update your website with recent photos of you, your staff, and the office
  • Feature patient video testimonials
  • Include more photos on social media
  • Let patients make appointments online
  • Get reviews from patients on Google, Yelp, ZocDoc, and others
  • And Many More

Have a Strong and Reliable Business Plan

Have a good business plan is one of the most important tools required to start a business and run it successfully. This is because it acts as a guide on how to operate your medical practice. It will help you set goals for your practice and allow you to evaluate its progress regularly. Without a well-thought-out business plan, your medical practice may fail because you will lack focus. Furthermore, investors would be reluctant to fund an idea that doesn’t have a proper plan in place.

Your business plan should include an effective marketing strategy that clearly outlines the channels you intend to target to obtain patients for your practice. In the modern world, social media is one of the best ways of marketing any type of product or service, including healthcare services since it has millions of users globally and allows businesses to target specific demographics easily.

Create and Update Your Website

As a medical practice, your website is your most important marketing tool. It is the first resource that many of your potential patients will get information about you and your practice. First impressions are vital in this business, and if you want to gain the trust of potential patients and turn them into real customers, you need to make sure that your website looks professional and is easy for people to use.

Your website should be mobile-friendly. More people than ever before are using their smartphones or tablets to access websites instead of using a desktop computer or laptop. If someone visits your site on a smartphone and it doesn’t look good or isn’t easy for them to read or navigate, they may decide not to use your services because they think that you aren’t very professional or knowledgeable about how things work in 2022.

Make sure that when someone visits your website on any device (mobile phones included) it loads quickly. According to research done by Google, 53% of mobile users will leave a page if it takes longer than three seconds to load. Be aware also that some Internet service providers can slow down their customers’ connection speeds based on their location – so even though everything might work fine in New York City with an average of 25 Mbps per second available download speed (according to Speedtest Global Index), there might be some places where someone could only get 2 Mbps per second at best – meaning they have one-tenths as much bandwidth available.

Use high-quality images on all areas of the site; especially where people can see themselves reflected from others who look like them using this service successfully! You should also make sure there aren’t any broken links or dead links within pages which can frustrate users trying out different options but never reaching their destination such as inputting information into contact forms without getting sent a verification email afterward.

Include More Photos of Your Medical Practice and Staff on Social Media

Photos are one of the most powerful tools you have in your marketing arsenal. Photos can do many things for your business, from enhancing your brand and telling a story to building trust, highlighting your expertise and humanity, and much more.

Use photos to highlight your staff. Your staff is an integral part of everything you do as a medical practice. They’re experts on the services you offer and will be dealing with patients every day when they come in.

When you share photos of your staff, it’ll help build trust with potential patients by making them feel like they know someone there already before they even set foot inside the office. It’ll also help build rapport if they choose to book an appointment later on because they’ll feel like it was because of something familiar rather than just getting lucky with the right doctor or nurse practitioner when they walk through those doors for real!

Feature Patient Video Testimonials

Video Testimonials are by far one of the most successful ways to turn browsers into actual clients. Nothing convinces a patient more than hearing and watching another patient give their testimonial. The most successful medical practices understand and dedicate part of their strategy to capture real video testimonials from patients. If you performed a procedure or treatment on a patient, there is nothing better than getting a video testimonial on the outcome and sharing that with the world. These testimonials can be shared directly on the website, but also through social channels like Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and more.

Online Scheduling Saves Time and Effort

Online appointment scheduling is one of the best ways to improve your clinic’s efficiency. According to a 2019 study, 63% of patients say that they are more likely to book an appointment if they have the option to book it online, and that’s not all:

Online booking is convenient for both you and your clients. Your patients can make changes or schedule appointments at any time, instead of waiting in line or having a receptionist constantly answer phones during business hours.

If you offer online booking on your clinic website, you can also connect it with an email marketing service so that when a patient books an appointment online, it is added automatically to their calendar with a reminder email sent out 24 hours before. This reduces missed appointments by as much as 50% and helps make sure that your staff is always fully prepared for each day.

Get Patient Reviews on Google, Yelp, Zocdoc, and Other Online Platforms

One of the best ways to gain more patients is to have positive reviews about your clinic all over the internet. You should encourage your patients to leave reviews on Google, Yelp, Zocdoc, and other online platforms. Make sure your staff asks each patient to leave a review when they are wrapping up their visit, but don’t just tell them to leave a review online. Be specific with which platforms you want patients to use as well as how long it will take them (it should be less than five minutes). Some practices also post links to their review pages in the waiting room by placing QR codes on posters or flyers around the office.

Use Social Media Marketing (SMM) to Reach a Large Audience

Social media marketing is both cost-effective and easy to measure. It also helps you reach a large audience and target specific groups of people. You can’t afford to ignore social media marketing if your goal is to grow your medical practice.

Social Media is an Important Part of Our Lives

  • Social media gives you the ability to market your product or service 24/7
  • You cannot afford to ignore social media marketing if your goal is to grow your business
  • Give discounts and offers to attract new patients.

This is one of the cheapest and most effective strategies to grow your clinic. Offering discounts and incentives to customers will be a great way to attract more patients and retain the existing ones. Offering discounts for new patients, free consultations, or even discounts for existing patients who refer their friends can be an effective way to implement this strategy.

Offline Marketing Strategies

Online Marketing is cost-effective but you also need to focus on offline. Some strategies to attract patients offline.

  • Try to contact many potential referring doctors and build a community of referrals
  • Banners are a great way to attract more patients
  • Give out brochures
  • Target specific areas and offer education events